Unison no longer receiving levels from light board

Hello -

I am working in a space with an Expression control console and a Unison system.  In the past I have been able to record Unison presets by setting levels on the board and recording those levels.  Today, for reasons I cannot ascertain, the Unison system has stopped recognizing levels set on the Expression.  When I set levels and record to preset, I end up with a blank preset.  Does anyone have a thought on what might have changed?



  • Because you get a preset with all zero values we know the Unison Processor is recording the preset. The issue seems to be that the Levels from the console are not being seen by Unison. I assume when you set levels on the console you do get the levels you expect in your space.

    If nothing else in the space has changed recently, like where the console is plugged in, I would try resetting your processor. If that doesn't fix the issue I would recommend a quick phone call to tech support here at ETC. They can be reached at 608-831-4116

  • Because you get a preset with all zero values we know the Unison Processor is recording the preset. The issue seems to be that the Levels from the console are not being seen by Unison. I assume when you set levels on the console you do get the levels you expect in your space.

    If nothing else in the space has changed recently, like where the console is plugged in, I would try resetting your processor. If that doesn't fix the issue I would recommend a quick phone call to tech support here at ETC. They can be reached at 608-831-4116

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