displaying a photo as a popup on the LCD

I would like to have a photo or a drawing pop up when a button is pressed 

Have tried to use a jpg file as a skin but have not been able to get it to work




  • Ken,

    I  recall that you are using Mac hardware, and running Windows through boot-camp or some equivalent software. While Unison software is not officially supported on Mac hardware, there is a known issue with this setup. When you add a background image in ControlDesigner, the image will be added, but it will not display in ControlDesigner unless the image is added as a background in the theme you are using. When you upload to the hardware it will be properly displayed, and the property editor in ControlDesigner will show that the image is associated tot he background, or other control that you have associated it with.

    This issue is specific to Mac hardware that is running Mac OS and Windows through a software utility. Windows based PC's and Mac running Windows natively will not experience this issue. The best workaround currently is to add the image to a sin within the theme you are using for the project.

    I also recommend using .png files when possible since they have a smaller file size than a jpg. A .jpg will work just fine as well, it just adds size to the configuration. If you add the image tot he theme be sure it's native size is not larger than necessary. the native resolution of the Touchscreen is 800x480, the image you use should not be larger than that size.

  • Ken,

    I  recall that you are using Mac hardware, and running Windows through boot-camp or some equivalent software. While Unison software is not officially supported on Mac hardware, there is a known issue with this setup. When you add a background image in ControlDesigner, the image will be added, but it will not display in ControlDesigner unless the image is added as a background in the theme you are using. When you upload to the hardware it will be properly displayed, and the property editor in ControlDesigner will show that the image is associated tot he background, or other control that you have associated it with.

    This issue is specific to Mac hardware that is running Mac OS and Windows through a software utility. Windows based PC's and Mac running Windows natively will not experience this issue. The best workaround currently is to add the image to a sin within the theme you are using for the project.

    I also recommend using .png files when possible since they have a smaller file size than a jpg. A .jpg will work just fine as well, it just adds size to the configuration. If you add the image tot he theme be sure it's native size is not larger than necessary. the native resolution of the Touchscreen is 800x480, the image you use should not be larger than that size.

  • Thanks

    I will need a little more help doing it on a Mac but was able to do on a windows machine.

    I do have a question now. I have 3 buttons on a page called "Room combine" witch do room combine and send a signal to the sound board to turn on and off speakers as the room combine changes. The popup images are drawings of what state the room combine is in. (screen shots of the config with Japanese text added.)

    when changing to the page to the preset page the popup disappears. is there any way to keep a popup open until it is told to hide or the popup works like an indicator.

    when fixture 1 is  full then picture A is displayed and when at 0 it is hidden.

    OR is there a different way to get what I am looking for.






  • Ken,

    I'm glad to hear you were able to get this working on your windows PC. Unfortunately, for your Mac scenario the only way to work around the image display problem is to add the image to the theme you are using, or to run Windows on the Mac hardware natively. Running windows though a program like boot camp form within Mac OS will always result in the issue you encountered. Adding the images to the theme is quite simple. In fact it is our standard practive that if you have more than 3 custom images, or you are using the same custom image more than 3 times in a single configuration, that the theme be modified and the images be included for the project. This reduced the configuration file size that the touchscreen needs to deal with.

    There is a simple way to keep your popup open on  a page change as well. There are settings in control designer related to popup behaviors. With the popup selected in the popup directory, look at the property editor. There is a setting in the property editor called "close on page change'. BY default this is set to yes, and when a page is changed the popup will close. Setting this to no, will allow the popup to remain open when you change pages.

    There are also several other settings for popup behavior in the property editor. Depending on your exact situation, you may need to change some of the other settings as well.
