Can not clear Boot Look only


Recently had a call from a sight that we installed a Paradigm System almost 2 years ago. 2 x DRD12, some heritage stations and a Touch screen. There is no console in the space but we have 2 2port gateways  1 input and 1 output for when they want to do an event where the use moving lights and need a console. For 2 years they never needed to use the gateways. Next week they will have a show where this function will be used for the first time.

Connected a DMX tester to the input but could not control the dimmer channel. Did get output from the output Gateway.

Wen looking at the processor the sACN level is at 100% but Current Level at 0%.

Can control the dimmer level from the Paradigm Touch Screen but the sACN level does not change.

it displays The source as BOOT LOOK 

It should display Source:Arch or Source:sACN

Could not find any explanation on Boot look in the manual except for how to clear it.

tried Clear Boot Look only, Clear All Arch Ctrl but no change.

Did a Hard Reset and it started to get sACN signal from the Gateway  BUT it still displays Source : BOOT LOOK

we also checked Power on Behavior  was set as  Action : None

P-ACP version is 1.1.0

Any thoughts

What does Boot Look mean?






  • Ken,

    The short answer is: I believe you're seeing the results of a bug in that old software.  As I recall, the first about screen listed boot look as the source for pretty much anything.  If you press check-mark and go into the detail view then it shows accurate information.  If the site is running 1.1.0, you should probably arrange for someone to go out and update them to current software anyway.  There are a couple of other issues that we sorted out even by 1.1.1 and even more by current software..

    By the way, I just happened to be browsing through the public user forums and come across this message.  In general, you're probably more likely to get a quick response to technician type inquiries if you post in the Paradigm Installers Group discussion area because more technician types (both internal and external) tend to read that regularly.
