Newbie ER Program Question

I have recently been "nominated" to maintain our local auditoriums audio/visuals. I am a computer network engineer by trade but my knowledge of lighting is very sparse so please bear with me. The auditorium uses a Unison ER/DR lighting control (to the best of my knowledge). It has one control unit with five sliders (I think) and four presets located in the lighting booth and an identical unit on the stage. There are also (4) two button units (on/off) located by each of the four theatre doors. I have figured out how to set the presets on the slider panels. The problem is that two of the on/off panels do not work. The custodian said they used to work but a couple of years ago "someone disabled them so the kids don't play with the lights". Can anyone guide me on how these might have been disabled and how I can re-enable them? I have the Unison manual and the flow chart but I don't know what area to go to in order to make this work. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

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