Run preset and sequence

I saw on another post that there was an update done that would allow for two presets to run at the same time. I am hoping that the update will also allow a preset and a sequence to run at the same time as long as they are effecting different fixtures. Can anyone explain how I can do this? 

  • Hi Ashley! Happy to help!

    EchoTouch and Echo systems in general are divided up into 16 spaces. In the most recent version of EchoTouch, v3.2.0, we added a feature called Multi-space Output. What this means is that you can now output DMX or sACN for each of the 16 spaces individually without needing any additional hardware.

    To achieve what I believe you're looking for, you would go to patch and assign a different space number to each group of fixtures you have. For example, perhaps you have some wall sconces and also some ceiling fixtures you want to do some color effects with. You can put the sconces in space 1, and the ceiling fixtures in space 2. Then space 1 can play a static preset while space 2 is running a sequence.

    It's also worth noting that you can have buttons that target multiple spaces as well. if you want a single off button, you can assign that button to go to 'Off' in multiple spaces at the same time.

    Any EchoTouch hardware can be upgraded to version 3.2. This is done with a USB drive that you plug in directly to the bottom of the EchoTouch. You can find more information about how to do so on page 43 of the User Manual.

    If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out!

