Programming Echo Touch

Hi!  I'm trying to learn how to program an EchoTouch.  Are there any tutorials available for free or pay?  I'm struggling with understanding the concepts of zones and channels.  Spaces seem to be pretty straight forward...I think : )  I have 130 devices (fixtures, echo dimmers, and echo relays).  My understanding is that echo can only handle 80 channels.  In Echo Patch, for example, I tried taking all my downstage Colorsource V Fresnels and placing them in one channel but couldn't seem to get more that one fixture per channel.  The hope was to have faders that controlled groups of channels (basically a submaster) or patch a number of fixtures into one channel and control those with a fader.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I know companies will program the EchoTouch when they install it but I was hoping to have some knowledge as well to be able to discuss with them our needs. Thanks in Advance!

  • Here is some info that can help.

    Channels are for DMX devices. 
    Zones are basically an architectural name for channels but in this particular case they are specifically for echo zones. Ie…things that are on your echo wiring bus. For example if your echo relay rack is only being run by DMX with the echobus those would be controlled via DMX channels. 

    It is important to know Echo Zones do count towards your 80 toral devices  

    Echo has a maximum of 16 zones per Space(space being basically a room)  Echotouch can support multiple spaces as well.  So it is totally possible to have for example:

    Space 1:  Echo Zones 1-16

    Space 2:  ECho Zones 1-16

    In the above example this would be 32 of your 80 over devices  leaving you 58 channels/devices for DMX fixtures  

    As far as patching multiple Colorsouece Fresnel Vs to a channel you will basically do the opposite. A channel can only have one DMX profile and starting address assigned to it. So if you had your Fresnel V set to DMX start 101 in Direct mode that would work fine. I’d you wanted a second Fresnel V on that channel you would also set it to DMX 101 in Direct mode.   Now those two lights will both mirror each other at all times. But this can simplify programming sometimes if they are all doing the same stage wash or same front light system. 
