CS Consoles and multi element fixtures. "How to" discussion.

While this isn't the most active forum, I'm sure that there are more folks than me who own or are looking at the CS series console. If you've come up with a better way to make this work please chime in.

Problem: Fixture has multiple elements that are RGB/RGBW/etc. controllable individually. CS console only gives you one set of pallet controls per fixture. Example - Chauvet Color Palette.

Solution 1: Create a profile with the defaults set to use the fixture as a single element fixture if possible (Eww) - this is how the factory fixture profiles (when available) on the CS console are. Example: ADJ UtraBar12 profile only goes up to 8ch mode and the other modes that allow individual element addressing aren't there.

Solution 2: Create a profile that doesn't have the board handling the mixing automatically. Make dimmer channels and mark them red1, green1, etc. to cover all of the channels that the fixture will require. The color chips won't do anything, and you have to go into parameter and manually dial up the colors for every element. (Still Eww)

Solution 3: Create a fixture profile and label it "Master {name of fixture}" . Only put your non color control channels here. Example: Master Dimmer, movement, auto chase mode, anything else that globally effects the fixture. Most fixtures have these as the first few channels anyway. Create a second profile and label it "Element {name of fixture} (or whatever works best for you). Put only the RGB, RGBW, etc controls here. Now patch the master at the start address for that fixture and then patch each element as an additional fixture directly after the master. Lay them out on your home screen so they make sense (I copy the shape and layout of the fixture), bring the master dimmer up, and you now can click on any of the elements and control them using color chips or any other parameter control.

Let me know if you have a better way of doing this.


