Custom Profile Parameter names messed up

I think I found a new bug.  I have the latest firmware, 1.0.2.whatever is on the website.  I have created several device profiles, one of which is for a 16 channel moving head spot.  If I start with a totally clean memory it imports the device and properly labels the parameters in the Params setting area.  However, if I power the unit off and/or reload the show, the parameter names get bumped by one position so that nothing lines up anymore, and this also overflows to other devices adjacent to the device in question.  There seems to be no way to correct the flaw short of brain deading the memory and starting from scratch.  As long as I do not turn off the unit or reload the show it is fine.  Viewing the jlib file in a text editor it all looks just fine, and I have gone over it in the ColorSource Editor several times looking for errors or omissions. It is perfect.  Anyone else seeing this issue?  I'm picking on the 16ch unit but this is a flaw in any other custom profile as well.  If I'm doing something wrong I'd like to know, otherwise I hope this is going to be fixed soon because it is close to a deal breaker on my new console.  (This is item #1 on my list of 6 problems I have found in the last two days.)  Any input is helpful, thanks!

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