Stage Map Arrangement

Trying to decide if I have a faulty touchscreen or a software bug.  My touchscreen is, indeed, very difficult to use -- the console works far better with a mouse.  However, when arranging devices on the stage map, releasing the mouse or my finger causes the device to jump to a seemingly random new location.  It takes on average 5 attempts to get the device where I want it.  I have also tried using a touchscreen stylus with no improvement.  Kind of takes the usefulness out of the stage map if I have to fight with it.  Anyone else having this issue?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Steven,

    Just to make sure: You are only having problem with touch when moving channel boxes around in the Stage Map, not in other views, right?

    We are aware of some problems when moving channel boxes around in the Stage Map arrange mode. Sometimes, dropping a box doesn't place it correctly, depending on the content of sorrounding cells. This is something that we are looking into and will improve in a future software version. Sorry for the trouble.
