Robe Spikie Profile Help

Hi everyone,
I really want to use the editor to figure out how to do this on my own, but the 3 pages of directions I found for the program are seriously inadequate for my tiny brain.

There were no clear directions on how to:

  1. Choose color profiles within the fixture DMX list (Only via footprint color mixing) with multiple DMX channels
  2. The difference between DMX coarse and fine, or what either of them mean aside from a standard DMX address
  3. When choosing 16-bit, there seems to be DMX coarse/fine overlap, and no clear explanation how to set this up (For example, a 16-bit pan fine setting)
  4. What format does fixture mode need to be, text or numbers?

Also, silly side note, can you pull a fixture profile from RDM automatically since it shows up as an unknown device from RDM, or is that more like an FYI on an unpatched fixture?

If someone could help me write a correct profile for the Robe Spikie (Using Mode 2), that would help me look in the edit software and know how to correctly set it up. I could not attached my file since the forum does not accept a 'jlib' file, but I did attach my DMX chart for the Spikie.3252.Robin_Spikie_DMX_charts.pdf

Many thanks! Brian


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