ADJ Inno Pocket Z4 and ADJ Inno Pocket Spot Pearl

Hi, I recently purchased the Colorsource 20 and 4 lights from American DJ.

The Colorsource library has some ADJ fixtures, but not for the..
Inno Pocket Z4
Inno Pocket Spot Pearl

Is there a library patch that will fix this?



  • Please send us a copy of the user manual for these fixtures, and we will add them to a library update that you can install on the console using the "Install Extras" button.

    You can either include a link here, or email them to colorsource (at) etcconnect (dot) com.

    Additionally, you can also use ColorSource Edit to create your own.

    ColorSource Edit and Library Updates can be found on the Software page for ColorSource, here.

  • Please send us a copy of the user manual for these fixtures, and we will add them to a library update that you can install on the console using the "Install Extras" button.

    You can either include a link here, or email them to colorsource (at) etcconnect (dot) com.

    Additionally, you can also use ColorSource Edit to create your own.

    ColorSource Edit and Library Updates can be found on the Software page for ColorSource, here.
