Hazer on Playback Memory

Recording and running the hazer on a playback didn't work for me. We have the Look Solutions Unique 2.1 and it is a 2-channel profile, haze and fan. I would put both intensities at about 30%, hit record playback memory and include only selected channels with all parameters, and select a fader. Then I would bring it's levels back down to 0 and clear the captured channels. It ran fine when I controlled it via live channels with the device parameters. 

But when I try to run it on the playback fader, I would need to bring the fader up 2-3 times before it would begin to fire. Once it would fire, I would bring the fader down to turn it off and it would ramp up to blow at 100%. It wouldn't stop until I manually cleared out the channels again.

I did see in the manual tonight that there are two independents that are programmable and I'm wondering if that's a better option. Within the independent, can I specific that the parameters only go up to a certain percentage and they don't go up to 100% when the independent is fired?

  • So the problem you were having when you bring the fader down and the hazer blows at 100% is probably stemming from the cleaning cycle of the Unique. whenever it is turned off from being used it blows out and does a cleaning cycle.
    The other problem I'm not sure about, when playing the playback memory did you confirm that those channels actually had the 30% value? The other thing it could have been is that it takes a minute to kick on and start spitting out haze.
  • It doesn't seem like it's just the cleaning cycle. When I've programmed the Unique on Ion faders, it puffs one of two times after I've brought down the fader but it's very brief and only a small amount of haze comes out. But with the Colorsource board, it pours out at 100% and will go on for minutes if I don't manually stop it.
    It's hard to tell if the channels are actually at 30%. I'm still working on familiarizing myself with the board so I don't know if there is a Live Channels section where I can double check what I've programmed.
  • It doesn't seem like it's just the cleaning cycle. When I've programmed the Unique on Ion faders, it puffs one of two times after I've brought down the fader but it's very brief and only a small amount of haze comes out. But with the Colorsource board, it pours out at 100% and will go on for minutes if I don't manually stop it.
    It's hard to tell if the channels are actually at 30%. I'm still working on familiarizing myself with the board so I don't know if there is a Live Channels section where I can double check what I've programmed.
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