Intensity Master for Movers on Playback Memories

I have two types of movers: little LED wash movers (Chauvet R1 Washes) that are color mixing and larger spot movers (Chauvet R2 Spots) that only have color chips. So while I was trying to record different colored presets for the large spot movers and flipping between colors, you have to watch the color wheels spin to the new color which isn't great. I was wondering if there was some way I could make an intensity master for each type of mover so that the operator could quickly bring down just the spot movers while he's switching to the new color and then bring the intensity back up.

The other reason I was hoping for the intensity master is because the spots are so much brighter than the wash LEDs that he needs some control to dim the spots to even it out. I know that in channel mode, the intensity is on the individual faders, but I don't want to confuse him by asking him to switch back and forth between the channel mode and playback mode constantly. Do you have a suggestion on how I can program that?

*I first emailed this question directly to the ETC Colorsource email address. The response I received was that the board doesn't have inhibitive faders, so an intensity master isn't possible to program. If that is the case- is this a change that could be update in software? I understand that this is supposed to be a simplified board, but I feel an intensity master should be standard now on any board. Thank you!
