ColorSource 40AV - Can you renumber all cues back to whole numbers?

Is it possible to renumber an entire shows cues back to whole numbers?

I have a show where I used up all point numbers between whole numbers. In other boards I've used there is usually a renumber function, where it will go down through your cue list and renumber everything back to whole numbers again. Then you can go back manually and order it the way you want.

Any help appreciated,


  • I have run plays before where I use the integer part of the cue number to match the page number of the script. Easy for the DSM and others to find it. Difficult however if there are more than 10 cues on page. Possible answers - Two places of decimal or use letters. If number of cues on a page exceeds 26 then charge danger money. 

  • I have run plays before where I use the integer part of the cue number to match the page number of the script. Easy for the DSM and others to find it. Difficult however if there are more than 10 cues on page. Possible answers - Two places of decimal or use letters. If number of cues on a page exceeds 26 then charge danger money. 

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