Intensity/ Color programming


I wan't to tell you my big problems with my CS20 AV. I can't save a playback with separate color and intensity values. I use the colorsource for live events like small Band's Oder small festivals. In one week I use it on a Festival with 30 fixtures. So when I have programmed an playback I need to change the colour. Otherwise I have to programm all Playbacks in every colour I need later. Maybe if I could set up in the playback save options that the fixtures I use in this playback were selected I could change the colour easy with the colour picker.



  • Simply mix the colours using the faders.

    Record 3 playbacks:
    1) Red
    2) Green
    3) Blue

    Now mix using them. You really can get every single colour.

    ColorSource treats every colour-mixing light as if it were a huge cluster of lights, one in every colour you have recorded.

    So if you bring up a Playback where a light is recorded in Red and another where it's recorded in Green, the light will be Yellow.
    Pull the Green down a bit and it'll turn Amber.

    You can mix any and all colours this way.

    If you want to use the Color Picker, select the lights (eg using the "Quick Select" regions or tags), then choose from the color picker.
    {Clear} > {Channels} will put them back to the levels from the Playbacks.

  • No. I mean if I had a Stage Picture with for example 4 LED Pars and another with 8 LED Pars and I want to change quick only the color of them. So if the Channels will be selected if I start a Playback I could change the color quickly with the chips. But so I have to select all and then I could change the color. Thats for an Live event not fast enough.
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