Edit tags in ColorSource 40AV

Is it possible to edit the tags that are used in the patch screen of the ColorSource 40AV? I have searched and cannot find a way.

Thank You.

  • Hello,

    Currently it is not possible to change the list of available tags. Are you missing a tag that you would like to be added in future versions ?


  • Hello, a lot of -> could be this editable by yourself;oDD
    But it's posible to write them directly in that Java file of show..

    If you open you find them in patch part downstairs in file:

    "patch": {
    "devices": [
    "channel": 0,
    "deviceId": 1,
    "dmx": 1,
    "footprint": 1,
    "invertPan": false,
    "invertTilt": false,
    "manufacturer": "",
    "mode": "",
    "model": "Dimmer",
    "personalityDcid": "",
    "swapPanTilt": false,
    "tag1": "Spot",
    "tag2": "Courtyard"

    And in tag, you can write everything you want but than it's not possible to edit them from console
