Colorsource 20AV with SHOWCUE SYSTEM

Hello everybody, i'm new here, i wanna know if someone here have this configuration running?  i mean, if anybody sometime worked with showcue System and a colorsource 20av? what i want to do is to send some signal (via midi , usb, artnet or something) to the colorsource console to trigger a cue or cuelist, is there possible??? I dont have the posibility to use a Qlab. Showcue System is the only software that i can use, and in a few days is arriving the colorsource 20av to my place of work, i have to control audio and light at the same time, so for me it will be very helpfull if i can control everything (audio, video and lights) from only one computer . Thanks for your attention, an i hope yo can help me with this issue,  and sorry for my english, i'm from Peru. 

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