DMX Channels won't switch between 40 and 80

We just got a Colorsource 40. I switched the channel from 1-40 to 41-80 to mess with some lights. I hit the channel but and it says 1-40 but my DMX sources still say 41 to 80. How do I get my initial 1 to 40 back. I have looked every where and there is nothing about this. I am at a loss. HELP!!!!

  • I'm not quite sure what you mean with "DMX sources still say 41-80".  There is the "Channel 1-40" / "Channel 41-80" button just under the Controls button.  Is that lit, and are you changing that?

    That changes what your sliders to the left do - channels 1-40 v 41-80.

    On the other hand, if the Playback button is lit Purple, then your sliders are controlling playbacks.

    If you're zoomed in so that you can't see 1-40 on the screen, you can press that Magnifying glass with the arrows in the lower-right corner to Zoom Extents.

    If that doesn't help, could you attach a picture of what's going wrong for you?

    Thanks, -Matt Pumplin

  • I'm not quite sure what you mean with "DMX sources still say 41-80".  There is the "Channel 1-40" / "Channel 41-80" button just under the Controls button.  Is that lit, and are you changing that?

    That changes what your sliders to the left do - channels 1-40 v 41-80.

    On the other hand, if the Playback button is lit Purple, then your sliders are controlling playbacks.

    If you're zoomed in so that you can't see 1-40 on the screen, you can press that Magnifying glass with the arrows in the lower-right corner to Zoom Extents.

    If that doesn't help, could you attach a picture of what's going wrong for you?

    Thanks, -Matt Pumplin
