
Not sure if this has been asked but I just ran across a ColorSource console for my first time. Really really nice. I did notice one thing that struck my curiosity; why do they call edge - focus?

  • I can only find three mentions of ‘focus’ in the instructions. Two of them liken the setting of position (XY) on a moving head to the aiming of a non-moving instrument during the ‘focus’ process, and the other surmises that you may have a soft/sharp parameter under console control, which might be the one you prefer to call ‘edge’. We all have slightly different terminology even amongst English speaking communities - I have just used the Americanism ‘instrument’ but would never spell colour without it’s ‘u’ !

  • Sorry I don't quite follow your reply.

    My question was more curiosity. On the actual Color Source console what "ETC" calls Edge (referring to the sharpness of an image within the Beam category) appeared to be labeled Focus and I wondered why. Unless that which I quickly observed on the screen was in fact referring to position and not the sharpness.

    The venue had no movers therefore what I saw as I quickly perused through the console was most likely referring to position.

  • In fact Eos is the odd one out.
    (Not ETC. Eos is not ETC, and ETC is not Eos. ETC is a company, and Eos is one of several families of lighting consoles made by ETC.)

    Traditionally, "adjustment of the lenses to alter the hardness of the beam" has been called Focus.

    The Eos family of consoles use the term Edge instead to try to distinguish "focusing" (pointing the light) from "Focus" (adjustment of the lenses).

    Unfortunately a lot of users have found this attempt at simplification confusing because none of their fixture manuals use the term "Edge", and have called up to ask where "Focus" is.

    So ColorSource has kept the traditional term,even though "Edge" is really a better name.

    Naming things is very hard.
