I'm new to ETC and would appreciate some help

Setting up a CS20AV for a school. I have 4 Chauvet Rogue3 Spot and 20 Colorado 1 quad Wash

I can get some things to function but they are acting strange... I turned the RDM off, would not see any devices so i set them by hand

I just want some basic control. Lets say I have the Colorado 1 set to ARC.2 which is a 4 fader control RGBW... I would expect to be able to have 4 faders I can mix the color and then assign that fixture to a single fader for intensity... right?

I am not seeing how to do this... i go into the color picker and it  chooses some other colors that i am not selecting.   

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  • There are a lot of different types of Chauvet Colorado fixtures.
    Make sure you've chosen the one you actually have, and not something with a similar name.

    - There's no such thing as a "Colorado1 Zoom", instead there are quite a few different Colorado fixture that have a zoom.

    These fixtures also have a lot of different modes, some of which do not support DMX control of the Zoom.

    For example, "ARC.2" mode does NOT have Zoom control!

    Once you have patched a mode that does have Zoom, it will appear under "All" and "Beam" parameter controls.

  • Yes... I have the ColoRado 1 Quad Zoom fixtures and tried all the personalities and did not see any Zoom functions. so I'll look and see if I have the right one selected


  • Okay... I am looking at the Model COLORado 1 Quad Zoom. I load it as just that in the setup and get RGBW control   Now this morning I go to remove the 2 fixtures I am using and its a blank window... The RDM does not function at all. I got RDM to function once with the Rogue 3 Spot when I first fired it up a few days ago but have yet to see it function since then with any of the fixtures. I unplugged them all and just one Quad Zoom direct patch to the CS20AV... no RDM no matter which DMX output is used. the search feature is sticky and wont search but I finally got it to recognize my touch but its real arrogant about it and only works here and there. I have to tap it several times and it wont move the curser to  a place I can type 

  • As far as I know, none of the ColorRADO fixtures support RDM, though I believe most of the Chauvet Rogues and Ovations do.

    The device "Search" not always clearing properly is a known issue, unfortunately this didn't make it into 2.6.0 but it will be fixed after that.
    The workaround is to type anything into it and hit [Tick] to reset.

    The touch issues sound like you may have either an ungrounded power supply or very dry fingers, we've found that these can affect touch sensitivity.
    If you've checked the grounding, the console does also support plugging in a mouse.
