rdm finding fixtures not there, not identifying and splitter

Three questions:

1) confirm rdm will not work thru an opto splitter

2) all direct dmx cabled daisy chained, no splitter or network. System only has 7 Elation Six Par 100 fixtures at 6 channel setting and 6 Color Source spots at 5 channel setting. Those two types are patched in the Color Source 20 console and working in the playback screen however when I turn on RDM in patch it finds 6 different Elation model fixtures at 6 channel that don't exist in this venue and sets them at conflicting channels with the Elation Six Pars and shows them in orange. When I delete them they pop back up again.

3) all direct dmx cables, no splitter or network, same as question 2 - pick any of the fixtures in patch with rdm on and they won't identify.

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  • Elation have historically not provided RDM model information in their fixture manuals.
    At the moment we only have RDM Model IDs for Elation's ACL Par 200, ProTron LED, SLC Wash and ELAR Quad.

    All other Elation fixtures should appear as "Unknown" until you manually patch the first one.

    ColorSource will then remember that and assume all other fixtures with that same reported manufacturer and model are the same fixture.

    As you're seeing Six Par 200s, at some point the console was manually told that's what they are.
    However, it should be letting you update that if not correct.

    If you can send us a correctly-patched showfile and a copy of your log files saved just after they've all been discovered in Patch, we can take a look at this.
