rdm finding fixtures not there, not identifying and splitter

Three questions:

1) confirm rdm will not work thru an opto splitter

2) all direct dmx cabled daisy chained, no splitter or network. System only has 7 Elation Six Par 100 fixtures at 6 channel setting and 6 Color Source spots at 5 channel setting. Those two types are patched in the Color Source 20 console and working in the playback screen however when I turn on RDM in patch it finds 6 different Elation model fixtures at 6 channel that don't exist in this venue and sets them at conflicting channels with the Elation Six Pars and shows them in orange. When I delete them they pop back up again.

3) all direct dmx cables, no splitter or network, same as question 2 - pick any of the fixtures in patch with rdm on and they won't identify.

  • RDM will only work through a DMX/RDM splitter.

    This is because the splitter has to be able to 'turn the bus around' for responses from RDM fixtures to come back to the console.

    An opto-splitter that doesn't specifically say it supports RDM will be DMX-only, and block all replies.

    As to your other question:

    ColorSource uses the RDM Manufacturer and Model id information the fixture provides to find it in the fixture library.

    Your symptoms indicate that these fixtures may have a faulty RDM implementation.
    The console's log files (save right after first discovery) might help determine the problem, however it will be up to Elation to find a fix and issue a firmware update to correct it.

  • RDM will only work through a DMX/RDM splitter.

    This is because the splitter has to be able to 'turn the bus around' for responses from RDM fixtures to come back to the console.

    An opto-splitter that doesn't specifically say it supports RDM will be DMX-only, and block all replies.

    As to your other question:

    ColorSource uses the RDM Manufacturer and Model id information the fixture provides to find it in the fixture library.

    Your symptoms indicate that these fixtures may have a faulty RDM implementation.
    The console's log files (save right after first discovery) might help determine the problem, however it will be up to Elation to find a fix and issue a firmware update to correct it.

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