Our old ETC Express had Macros. Is there an equivalent function on our ColorSource 40

Our old ETC Express had Macros. We used a couple of macros to operate a remote lights on/off switch near the stage area.

Is there an equivalent function on our ColorSource 40?

Parents Reply
  • Oh, you mean it was using the Contact-Closure input on the back of the Express console as a basic remote control?

    ColorSource consoles support OSC for this kind of remote control.

    If you have the AV version then you can send it over USB or Ethernet UDP.

    The 'standard' version doesn't have Ethernet, and only one USB port so you'll probably need a USB hub to allow you to send OSC commands via USB while still having somewhere to plug in a USB stick.
    - Note that the console won't respond to OSC commands while in Hibernate, so you'll need to leave it running.

    See ETCLabs Lighthack for an example. You can send any supported OSC command, not just Pan & Tilt.

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