[Bug] Bringing down fixture intensity during effect changes LED colors?

So I have a series of LEDs on my stage (ADJ Dotz Pars) that I want to run an effect in. At full/100% intensity, they properly throw the chosen color I have mixed for them. However, when I change the intensity of the fixtures while the effect is running, suddenly the fixtures don't always display the proper colors I have mixed for them; they start showing some other color. This happens whether I have them in 3ch (RGB) mode or 4ch (RGB+Intensity) mode. In addition, not only is this occurring on the fixtures themselves, but the odd colors are reflected in the console's stage map as well, so I KNOW it is not the fixtures causing this - I am watching the software do this right now on my desktop offline client running v3.2.0.15.

The current workaround so far is to go to each color and set them individually at the correct proportion (so if I have set R at 255, G at 166, B at 184 and want them dropped to half intensity I need to set R at127, G at 83, and B at 92.) That shouldn't be the way to do it though!
