cues versus playback memories

I'm new to ColorSource 20 and I've watched all the tutorials and browsed through much of this forum, but have more of a workflow question than a how to....I'm in the process of creating dynamic "scenes" for an end user in a performance space, that needs a simple way to trigger these scenes (this same end user is running the sound board as well during events). My initial approach was to create several playback memories assigned to faders for quick, tactile access. But these playbacks are static, essentially just different color pallets. Then I had the thought to create cues that only include movement, with the idea that the user could change color scenes with playbacks and movement/effect changes with scrolling through cues. My question, does this even make sense? Is there a better way to approach this? Should I just build everything as cues and forget about playbacks? I guess I'm really trying to figure out how someone would utilize both playbacks and cues together, in the simplest way possible that doesn't require constant babysitting the console. Any guidance here is greatly appreciated!

PS, this lighting rig was several fixed LED color changing fixtures as well as moving head LED color changers
