Question regarding creating new fixture personality Showtech


sorry its my first post.

I just tried do creatre a new personality for a Showtech 4-LED Bar.

As far its the normal parameters all is fine.

But now comes my problem: if i have rgb for the 4 LED each then i do need 4 times red 4 times green and so on.

Then i need maybe 2 intensity parameters - but how does the console handle it, when i create two Parametesr with the same manner as for instance "Intensity".

In my mind i think: INtensity can just be chosen one time, and so i use maybe Gobo for the channel with the second "Intensity"-character.

I dont know, if the console will show then color 1 color 2 color 3 and color 4, when i put channels 1-3, 4-6,7-9 and 10-12 on RGB ....


Some hinds how the console will handle "unknown" Parameters or double-Parameters would be fine ...


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