Question regarding creating new fixture personality Showtech


sorry its my first post.

I just tried do creatre a new personality for a Showtech 4-LED Bar.

As far its the normal parameters all is fine.

But now comes my problem: if i have rgb for the 4 LED each then i do need 4 times red 4 times green and so on.

Then i need maybe 2 intensity parameters - but how does the console handle it, when i create two Parametesr with the same manner as for instance "Intensity".

In my mind i think: INtensity can just be chosen one time, and so i use maybe Gobo for the channel with the second "Intensity"-character.

I dont know, if the console will show then color 1 color 2 color 3 and color 4, when i put channels 1-3, 4-6,7-9 and 10-12 on RGB ....


Some hinds how the console will handle "unknown" Parameters or double-Parameters would be fine ...


  • ColorSource supports one "beam of light" per desk channel (fader) - one Intensity, one set of colour mixing per each.

    So you'd need to patch it to four or five desk channels, one for each of the 'heads' and (possibly) one for the global Intensity & Strobe.

    If you don't need the strobe, the easiest way to patch 14ch mode would be to patch as four Generic LED-RGB, then use an Independent to 'park' the global Intensity at full.

  • ColorSource supports one "beam of light" per desk channel (fader) - one Intensity, one set of colour mixing per each.

    So you'd need to patch it to four or five desk channels, one for each of the 'heads' and (possibly) one for the global Intensity & Strobe.

    If you don't need the strobe, the easiest way to patch 14ch mode would be to patch as four Generic LED-RGB, then use an Independent to 'park' the global Intensity at full.

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