ROBE Robin ProMotion & ColorSource 40AV


I recently added a Robe's ProMotion moving head beamer to our rig. When patching it on the console there seem to be a lot of commands missing that "should" be available (if i take a look at the dmx protocol that came with the fixture) but are'nt – for example button for "external HDMI". instead many setting appear double and tripple (see screenshot). I have'nt found a way to add or edit commands for the fixture manually so i ask here in the forum: is there a way to add or edit commands for a specific fixture?

I already updated the consoles library with no success.

  • This fixture is rather surprising. Robe chose to make the HDMI Source Select a Lamp Command - like Lamp on/Lamp Off or "Use wired/wireless DMX".

    The Internal HDMI/External HDMI both appear under "Lamp Cmds" in the latest fixture library (19.3.2):

    However, at the moment updating a patched fixture to a newer personality requires you to unpatch that fixture, restart and repatch it after updating the fixture library. (It's on the list to make this simpler)

    PS: The fixture genuinely does have multiple "Strobe Open" ranges.

  • This fixture is rather surprising. Robe chose to make the HDMI Source Select a Lamp Command - like Lamp on/Lamp Off or "Use wired/wireless DMX".

    The Internal HDMI/External HDMI both appear under "Lamp Cmds" in the latest fixture library (19.3.2):

    However, at the moment updating a patched fixture to a newer personality requires you to unpatch that fixture, restart and repatch it after updating the fixture library. (It's on the list to make this simpler)

    PS: The fixture genuinely does have multiple "Strobe Open" ranges.
