Patching a 4BAR LT (Chauvet) to a ColorSource40 Console

Has anyone had any success in patching a Chauvet 4BAR LT to a Colorsource40 console? I am able to patch the units using a generic library profile. But I cannot access the individual heads (pods) of the 4BAR LT. I was able to do this easily by using the dmx channel for each head listed in the 4BAR LT manual. Thus far, I have been unable to discover where I could input the channel values on the ColorSource40.  (I did try the Chauvet library personality files listed in the Library but they are for different Chauvet units and did not work as well as the generic profile.)  (The console firmware and library version are current and up to date.)

  • Update 12/18/23:  Using the Personality Editor I was able to create and save a personality file for the 4BAR LT.  I patched a new device (4BAR LT) using the new personality file and changed the 4BAR LT into 15 channel mode.  Set the starting DMX address.  The fixture does not respond to the new personality file at all.  

    My goal is to get control of each pod on the 4BAR LT for color mixing.  The channel and addressing information is pretty straight forward in the Chauvet manual for the fixture.  I must be missing something being fairly new to the ColorSource40 AV console.  Any ideas???

  • ColorSource supports one color picker per desk channel.
    - You'll have noticed that the personality editor only lets you have one set of RGB.

    To get individual control, each "pod" must be patched as a separate desk channel.

    It's hard to give advice without the manual or your attempt at creating a personality.

    Assuming this fixture works the same as the Chauvet 4Bar, I would suggest that you create a personality for the "global" parameters (Color Macro, Intensity, Strobe)  and then patch each Pod as a "Generic LED - RGB"

    This would use 5 desk channels per 4BAR LT, one for the built-in programs and one for each "pod".

    If you are still having difficulty, it's generally fastest to get in touch with ETC's technical support.

  • Thank you Richard!  That is what I've been thinking that is what needs to happen but I haven't figured out how to do that with the personality editor.  Our theatre is going into Christmas break mode later this week.  I plan on bringing the board home with one of the 4BAR units and calling in to Tech Support if I don't get it figured out by then.  

  • Thank you Richard!  That is what I've been thinking that is what needs to happen but I haven't figured out how to do that with the personality editor.  Our theatre is going into Christmas break mode later this week.  I plan on bringing the board home with one of the 4BAR units and calling in to Tech Support if I don't get it figured out by then.  

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