I can only find a partial list of fixture manufacturers

Hey there!

Until a couple of minutes ago my color source 20 console worked like a charm.

I updated the firmware to v3.3.0.25
I updated the fixture library to the most recent version 19.8.3. 

in order to be able to patch a new fixture. Both numbers show up in the settings view correctly.

But: I try to add this new fixture (which is included in the profiles recent database file (Stairville LED Matrix Blinder 5x5 RGB WW)) with no success so far. The console only sees a "RDM unknown device". And when I try to patch the fixture manually it does not work neither. No Matrix Blinder is found. The manufacturer list ends with the "ELAN" entry. No "StairVille".

I'm kind of desperate.. Anybody knows what to do?


  • after that the update to the most recent firmware (v3.3.0.25) is possible without loosing all manufacturers.
    Having the most recent firmware installed the update to the most recent fixture library is also possible without any troubles.

    Seems I had jumped a firmware version. Now everything works as expected and the StairVille Matrix Blinder profile is there also.

    problem solved.

  • after that the update to the most recent firmware (v3.3.0.25) is possible without loosing all manufacturers.
    Having the most recent firmware installed the update to the most recent fixture library is also possible without any troubles.

    Seems I had jumped a firmware version. Now everything works as expected and the StairVille Matrix Blinder profile is there also.

    problem solved.

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