Is there any point in posting ideas any more, or has development for CS consoles stopped?

I have posted the following in the ideas section but fear nobody looks at it.


An extra option for the list of options for the top right fader bank - TOUCH ASSIGNABLE. (Careful how you abbreviate!)

In this mode the fader would take control of any touch screen item you hold your finger on for over a second without moving. This would include any ‘film strip’ frame, the intensity of any head on the stage map and the value going to any independent.

It would have to be a grab-on-passing action and there may be some sense in utilising its label area on the touchscreen to provide feedback. Options include showing the current value of the selected parameter, either as percentage, DMX value or a bar graph. The latter could also display a pointer showing the current position of the fader so you could see graphically the grabbing action. In addition the background colour could change showing whether the fader needs raising or lowering to grab and when grabbed. Any combination of these welcome, space allowing.

Displaying the numerical value also gets round the problem with film strip vertical swiping where the value is hidden under your finger.

The software routines for this could also be extended to select trackball control.
