Cobalt problems/bugs

Dear Sir or Madame,


I’m a lighting operator on the Congo SR. I just installed the new Cobalt software. Loving the new software, the new Direct select dock and Device control dock windows are awesome. Especially the Direct select dock window during a live gig is great. I sadly have come across a couple problems/bugs. You can’t record new palettes directly on the new window. Still need to record by the direct selects on the console. Also what I find is odd is you can’t move your palettes around in whatever order you would like. I’m able to do this on the whole hog and GrandMA but not on the Congo. Also Is it possible to make the colour wheel larger in the new cobalt software like you could do with the old Congo software. The only bug i’ve come across at the moment is when I record a preset on to a fader after focusing all my movers, nothing happens. All my functions seem to freeze. The only way out of this is by simply clicking on the browser dock with the mouse. Once i’ve done that i’m able to record something on my faders. Not sure if i’m the only one thats reported this problem but it’s really annoying. 


hope to hear back from you soon.




  • Hi there-

    You can record palettes in the DS dock using the "RecordDS" button in that dock. Combinations of facepanel keys and touchscreen keys aren't really supported yet (but it's something we are working on).

    Moving palettes around is planned for a release coming soon.

    We have not heard of any problems recording to masters - can you provide details on exactly what you're doing when recording? It sounds like a button is getting "stuck" and a press of ESC would clear that up, but as I said, you shouldn't have any problems in this area. Please let us know some more about this one...

    Thanks for the feedback!


  • Hi there-

    You can record palettes in the DS dock using the "RecordDS" button in that dock. Combinations of facepanel keys and touchscreen keys aren't really supported yet (but it's something we are working on).

    Moving palettes around is planned for a release coming soon.

    We have not heard of any problems recording to masters - can you provide details on exactly what you're doing when recording? It sounds like a button is getting "stuck" and a press of ESC would clear that up, but as I said, you shouldn't have any problems in this area. Please let us know some more about this one...

    Thanks for the feedback!


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