Color Mixing not working for VL770

Using Cobalt 7.0.1 

The template for a VL770 doesn't seem to work with the Color Mixer or Gel Picker, and hasn't since the switch to Cobalt from Congo.  Other lights seem to work fine with the Color Mixer (I use VL1000s, SeaChangers, PL Cycs, and Generic RGB LEDs without any problem) but the new 770 template doesn't let me change the color without using the encoders. I thought it may have been something in the template, so I tried removing the ranges in the Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow parameters thinking that may be what was holding them up since those ranges weren't in the previous template with the older library, but that didn't make a difference.

That being said, love the thumbnails for the gobos and the color wheel, the one aspect of the Eos software that I was truly jealous of, those are fantastic!

Thanks for the updates, keep them coming! 
