Cobalt 7.0.0 color mixer not accurate using Color Kinetics TRX fixtures

The Color mixer ignores the fact that the fixture is RGBWA it only uses RGB. If the W or A channels are on then the color mixer is totally out of whack. The color tab on the device control dock works fine and controls all 5 led channels but the mixer tab acts like they don't exist.

  • If the fixture is not colour-calibrated then only Red, Green, Blue (and CMY) colour attributes are used by the colour picker, as it needs the colour calibration data to know what other colours mean.

    The fixtures with colour calibration are marked with "(C)" in the Import Template Wizard, and when the channel is selected the colour picker will show a black 'gamut' line like this one:

    If this line is not present, the colour picker will only control Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Red, Green, and Blue attributes.

    - In Extended Library v10.0.1 (Cobalt 7.0.1) we have added 'estimated' calibration data to the "Generic" manufacturer RGBA and RGBAW-type fixtures, so you can use (or extend) these generic templates for fixtures where you want the picker control but don't mind that it's a complete guess.

    In the future as more colour data is captured, new versions of the library may add this colour calibration data to fixtures in existing shows.
    (As long as they were originally patched using an Extended Library template.)

    Unfortunately I can't give a more specific reply as Color Kinetics make a lot of fixtures with "TRX" in the name, and each has several different modes.

    Can you attach an example showfile so we can see the full name of the template you have patched, and which library version?
    Then we can see if the template patched is expected to have calibration data.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:36 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Feb 20 2014]