Channel layout media server

Hi all

I just want to ask why we can't see, or preview, what we will use with a Media Server?? I'm using a channel layout and I put the channels of the Media Server  with that symbol but I never can see if everything it's ok before I use those channels. It's annoying because if there is that little window on that symbol and I thought that is for us to see what's on that channel.

Also why we can't see the names of those videos, or other things, that we use with media server?? It's almost impossible to memorize that, for instance, Library 10 - File 25 as the Video that is call  "Show" and on Library 2 - File 60 as some letters saying "THE END". It was more simple for if we just see Library Videos - File Show and Library Letters - File The end.

Best regards


Pedro Alves


P.S.: Why can't we change the background color of the Channel Layout?? This black for somethings it's good but for othres I prefer the background color of the Congo software

  • I think, the media server preview works only with Arkaos media server. be sure to choose the right network setting in your computer and with your cobalt.

    For the Black Background, is really better for eyes when You make a long job with 3 big screens !

    now, monitors light less the lightborder and the contrast display is better. Personnaly, I have wait this since low years ;-)

  • I think, the media server preview works only with Arkaos media server. be sure to choose the right network setting in your computer and with your cobalt.

    For the Black Background, is really better for eyes when You make a long job with 3 big screens !

    now, monitors light less the lightborder and the contrast display is better. Personnaly, I have wait this since low years ;-)

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