MIDI controllers


I can't understand format of MIDI signals to pressing console keys by external midi controller.  I read midi chapter in manual, but still not understand.

I have KORG nanoPad and nanoControl working both with console, and faders from 0 to 8 working fine, but how I can recognize midi notes of other keys?

For example I using editor like this:


  • Take a look at my Korg nanoKONTROL2 layout:


    It's using Direct MIDI. Basically, buttons are MIDI notes and faders/knobs are MIDI controllers.

    Let me know if you have any problems-


  • Thanx. Can you explain all buttons except faders and knobs. In your preset I see seq play, pause and go back, buttons, 1-8, 11-18 faders. Where I can see full list of midi #notes = console buttons? And what is note for GM?

    [edited by: xcyber at 10:13 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, May 6 2014]
  • The complete list of all MIDI Notes and Controllers in both Direct and Standard modes are given in the on-board Help.

    Search for "MIDI".

    In general:

    • Faders are always MIDI Controllers.
    • Buttons are always MIDI Notes.

    There are two different modes - Direct Mode and Normal.

    For most users, Direct Mode is the right choice.
    In this MIDI mode, the console uses four MIDI Channels in order to allow all Playback buttons and faders to have directly-corresponding Notes and Controllers.
    However, Direct Mode does not include many of the keys used for programming the console.

    See "Direct Mode MIDI" in the console Help for the table of Notes and Controllers in Direct Mode.

    The Grand Master (GM) is a Fader, and so it's a MIDI Controller. In Direct Mode it is MIDI Channel 1, Controller 104 (decimal).

    In Standard Mode the console uses one MIDI Channel, and supports almost every button and fader, including those mostly used for programming.
    However, there are many more buttons on Cobalt than MIDI Notes so several buttons require MIDI Notes to be sent at a specific velocity.

    See "MIDI - Implementation Chart" in the console Help for the table of Notes (with their velocities) and Controllers in Standard Mode.

    [edited by: Richard at 10:50 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, May 6 2014]
  • Thanks for this help,

    i have a icontrols icon its look like a nano, i wish to plug two icontrols in the cobalt nomad but in the soft only one input midi is available. Do you know if we can plug two midi controllers fade.





  • Cobalt Nomad can only connect to one MIDI device at a time.

Reply Children
  • do you think i can use a soft like midi ox to merge the two controler?

  • Maybe. It depends on if the controllers use a standard MIDI driver or a manufacturer specific, I think. If MIDI Ox ends up in a single Windows MIDI port, Cobalt could probably listen to that. We haven't tried this specifically. If it works ok for you, please let us know!

