Attribute TAB


Why, when we press the key ATTRIBUTE it does not open in a new TAB, we have to pass by the browser to make a new ATTRIBUTE TAB. it use to work on congos….




  • Hi,

    This was changed on Congo as well a long time ago. The ATTRIB key toggles in and out of the attributes format inside the Live view or inside a Preset or Sequence editor. This was made to provide a consistent attribute mode in all relevant editors and tabs.

    If you want to have the dedicated Live Attributes view, the command is still available in the Browser.

  • Which Congo version were you running on? (This was changed a long time ago)

  • Hi, 

    Yes it was an older version. but I did found it very useful to have channels and channel attributs together.

    Like the EOS or ION.

    I do love the EOS and ION but I am freelance and working in France where there is not many of them if not at all…

    Also, would be great to have the choice to use the Cobalt as a tracking desk like the EOS or ION, (cue only or tracking) I guess it will not be easy to get it done… but I wanted to mention this. as if your working with an LD that is used to tracking and then you have a congo or cobalt if is not easy even if there is option for doing it!

    thanks for your reply

  • Hi,

    You haven't been able to mix both channel and attribute information (in the Eos way) in the same view in Congo, not even with the old system. These were always separate views.

    And you have the Live Attributes view, just like before, except that you have to access it through the Browser now.

    There is one more option: If you want, you can use the TAB & LIVE command to open more Live views. Then you can have one Live view in channels mode and one in attributes mode.


  • Hi,

    Yes your right, never been possible to mix both view as the EOS…sadly!
    Thank for the info about the TAB & LIVE for few live windows. this what I do, went to browser and open it from there. 
    thanks again for all the info… this is super…



  • You can still have Live Intensity and Live Attributes side-by-side.

    Method 1: Browser > Devices > live Attributes.

    Method 2: Opening a second (or more) Live tab and setting that to display attributes:

    • [Tab] & [Live]
    • [Attrib]

    As to your other comment, the two console families have fundamental differences in core philosophy.

    At their cores, Cobalt is a Preset/State console, while Eos is a Tracking/Movefade console.
    - A few years ago we published a White Paper explaining the difference (direct link to PDF)

    This difference is one of the reasons why we have two flagship console lines - and the new Nomad that can run as either Eos or Cobalt.

    - To some extent, this is like asking why motorbikes have handlebars instead of steering wheels like cars do.
    These are two ways of steering a vehicle, with their own advantages and disadvantages.

    There are occasions when you want to use the update logic from the other style of console, and each console has syntax for this.
    This is simply a type of Update command, it doesn't affect the core philosophy.

    • Eos has a special syntax to mimic effect of a state-update on a Preset-based console:
      • {Cue Only}
    • Cobalt has a special syntax to mimic the effect of a track-edit update on a Tracking console:
      • [Update] & [@Level] to track an Intensity update forward/backward/both
      • [Update] & [Attrib] to track an (non-Intensity) attribute update forward/backward/both

    [edited by: Richard at 5:48 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, May 27 2014]
  • Thanks for your info Richard...

    and your right 2 different desk… but I think loads of the EOS has been put on the cobalt, even if it more like a congo !!!

    Thanks for the info 



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