Flash/Fader interaction

Hi All,

I have a Congobalt (Congo console, Cobalt software).  I had a show (full band, live concert) recently at my theater.  Basic rock show, using LED Movers.  I had presets assigned to masters that had color info for the LEDs, so the LD could basically bring up color washes on stage.  At one point in the show, he pressed the flash key and the LEDs went to the proper color.  The LD then brought up the fader under that flash button, basically bumping into that color, then intending to bring up the fader and release the button, leaving them in that color wash.  Well, when he released the flash button, the color went to the previous look.  With a traditional console and a conventional rig, you could bump to a wash with hte bump button, then bring up the fader and stay in that wash.  Why isn't my console doing that?  I have the fader release behavior set to go to a certain preset, but there's no behavior to set after you release the flash button...  or is there?  Hope I'm making sense.





Paramount Theatre

Austin, TX

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