Fader Wing with Cobalt 20 - setting Master page?

Hi all,
How do I set which master page is on the external fader wing (2 x10 fader) when it's attached to the Cobalt 20?
It's defaulting to faders 41-50, 51-60, (i.e the 3rd group of 20) but I can't find anywhere to change which page is set to that bank.
Any suggestions are welcome!

  • Hi Ric - 

    Please take a look in the Masters softkeys for paging tools for external wings. You can type a page number and press the button corresponding to the set of masters you want to change, or you can use the PAGE + and PAGE - keys in combination with a MASTERS #-# button.

    Thanks -


  • Thanks Sarah,
    That worked fine, and I now can change pages on all 3 banks of faders much easier.
    That Right Hand side panel of 'buttons' on the touch screen does seem oddly placed, and it wasn't clear what it did at first, second, or 3rd glance.
    Now that i'm aware of it though, it is much the same as the large central panel display on our Congo, which helps me, but perhaps is not very intuitive to new users of a Cobalt.

    For future software upgrades, Is there any possibility of moving that panel of buttons closer to the centre of the 2 displays, instead of on the right hand side of the right hand screen?

    I am already missing the master/page buttons of my Congo :-(  the touch screen on the fader section isn't very responsive, and it's a lot slower than typing " 31 page" as I used to do on the Congo, I have to scroll through to get the correct page with the touch pad. I much prefer the physical buttons for these sorts of functions. (same for the on screen/touchpad text input keyboard)

    There is a 'FADER' button near the master faders, which when pressed comes up with 'reserved for future use'.
    Could you consider this 'FADER' button as a master/page function in some way?

    i.e. type 31, press and hold 'Fader' key, then tap a button on ANY of the master faders. The bank of Faders associated with the button then changes to bank 31.
    Tap 'Fader' on it's own and the options for the Faders come up on the main display, flash buttons, times, banks, lits of pages etc.

    [edited by: Ric at 8:00 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jun 19 2014]
  • Thanks Sarah,
    That worked fine, and I now can change pages on all 3 banks of faders much easier.
    That Right Hand side panel of 'buttons' on the touch screen does seem oddly placed, and it wasn't clear what it did at first, second, or 3rd glance.
    Now that i'm aware of it though, it is much the same as the large central panel display on our Congo, which helps me, but perhaps is not very intuitive to new users of a Cobalt.

    For future software upgrades, Is there any possibility of moving that panel of buttons closer to the centre of the 2 displays, instead of on the right hand side of the right hand screen?

    I am already missing the master/page buttons of my Congo :-(  the touch screen on the fader section isn't very responsive, and it's a lot slower than typing " 31 page" as I used to do on the Congo, I have to scroll through to get the correct page with the touch pad. I much prefer the physical buttons for these sorts of functions. (same for the on screen/touchpad text input keyboard)

    There is a 'FADER' button near the master faders, which when pressed comes up with 'reserved for future use'.
    Could you consider this 'FADER' button as a master/page function in some way?

    i.e. type 31, press and hold 'Fader' key, then tap a button on ANY of the master faders. The bank of Faders associated with the button then changes to bank 31.
    Tap 'Fader' on it's own and the options for the Faders come up on the main display, flash buttons, times, banks, lits of pages etc.

    [edited by: Ric at 8:00 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jun 19 2014]