Cobalt v7.1.0 Software now available!

Hi all -

We are happy to announce that the newest version of Cobalt - v7.1.0- is now available for download. This version supports the Cobalt 10 console, Nomad and Nomad Puck. This version is compatible with Cobalt 20, Cobalt 10, Cobalt Nomad/PC Congo dongles, Congo consoles, Congo jr, Congo Kid consoles and the Congo Light Server.

New features include:


  • An improved Import Template Wizard with text search/filter function
  • Improved support for multi-cell devices using decimal channels
  • Arrange functions (copy/move) in the Direct Selects dock
  • Updated Extended Library and Help System
  • Support for the second PoE Ethernet port on Cobalt consoles
  • Nomad support for the universal Nomad dongle and Nomad on Mac OS X (Mavericks). Please note: Macintosh support for Nomad is only with the new universal Nomad dongle.
  • and more...


You can download the software here and the release note here. We recommend all users update their systems as soon as production schedules allow.

Please note, an early installation issue for some Congo family products has been resolved. Please feel free to update as your schedule allows.

Thanks much -


[edited by: sclausen at 2:17 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jun 19 2014]
  • Hi. Nice update, but I have questions:

    1. When I need press F1 or F2 to switching between Congo and Cobalt? Because if I pressing F after power up console I enter in BIOS. I pressing F2 or F1 randomly after DOS until welcome screen, and sometimes it worked.

    2. How to add fixture templates to user templates library in Congo?

    [edited by: xcyber at 8:29 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jun 20 2014]
  • 1) After you see the "Starting Windows XP Embedded" splash dialog, and before the Welcome screen appears.

    2) Browser > Patching > Settings and Tools > User Templates

    • [Insert] to insert a template from the current show file
    • [Delete] to remove.

    See the Help for more details - Press [F1] or [?] for Help, then Search it (magnifying glass icon).

  • Where is "outputs" tab in cobalt settings?

  • Hi there -

    We have moved the settings for adjusting the functions of the two DMX outputs on consoles (and the Gadget on Nomad systems) into the Cobalt application - Browser>General Settings>DMX Settings. 

    On consoles and Nomad systems that use DMX Input over a Net3 DMX/RDM Gateway, those settings can now be found in the Network tab in System Settings.

    Thanks much -
