Offline Mode - Numeric keys not working when dialog box is open.

I have Cobalt V7.1 loaded on my PC, and I'm using it in offline mode (though I do have a Nomad 256 dongle plugged in). I'm very new to Cobalt, though I've used Elements and Smartfade ML a fair amount.

I'm having a problem with the numeric keypad not working with all dialog boxes.

With the "Output Editor" window open, the numeric keypad functions correctly. For instance, pressing  "1 > channel > 1 modify" patches channel 1 to output 1.

However, when I try to use the "Patch Wizard" the numeric keys don't appear to function correctly. I can select any of the fields like "Number of dimmers", "Starting at...", etc, and try typing a number, but the values in the fields don't change. If I have the Console Mimic Doc open, I see the number keys flash there. I can also try pressing the number keys on the Console Mimic Doc but they also don't change the fields in the "Patch Wizard" dialog box. (Screen capture below).

The numeric keypad does function correctly when I use the "Save As..." dialog box.

I'm probably missing something simple. Any suggestions?




