Crash with Master Dock

Hi all

I'm using a Congalt (Congo Jr with Cobalt v7.1) and on monitor 2 I've got on the right the Independent Dock, at bottom the Device Control Dock and the Main Playback Tab at the center. Yesterday after the begining of the  rehearsal I open the Master Dock on left side Choose the Active and try to use the Format+ Wheel function to zoom this dock. What I've got is the hourglass at the top and the console was blocked. Nothing works after this. I press the ESC key several times but nothing happen. I've got to stop the rehearsal to restart the console using the Ctrl+Alt+Del.

Today I tryed on a diiferent console this and the result is the same, the hourglass appear and nothing works. But if I put the Master Dock on monitor 1 and do the zoom it works fine.

So the questions are:

Is it normal the zoom work on one monitor but not on the other??

This happen only to us or someone has the same problem to??

Do we have right places to use some the Area Docks or can we use them where we need/want??


Pedro Alves


I've tryed with Master Dock on the sides of monitor 1 and with the Format+Wheel(zoom) function  the console also crash.

[edited by: Pedro Alves at 12:13 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jun 25 2014]