Jump to b

Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 4:04 PM 
Joined: 7/5/2014
Posts: 12

I try to use jump to b with the short cut (shift-/) and it doesn t works

what can i do with the nomad cobalt?


John D. Palmer
Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 5:08 PM 
Joined: 7/4/2014
Posts: 88

Samson, in the manual for keyboard commands, it says that Jump to B is N/A (Not Applicable). I think you may have to have the console mimic dock open to use the Jump to B function. I also don't see Jump to B as a function for the X-Keys panel, so I don't believe that it is available.

Take care,


Sarah Clausen
Posted: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 1:26 AM
Joined: 6/18/2014
Posts: 1025

Hi Samson - John is correct, there is no shortcut for Jump to B, so the Console Mimic will be your best bet there. Out of curiosity, where did you find the (Shift-/) shortcut?

Thanks much -


Posted: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 3:39 AM 
Joined: 7/5/2014
Posts: 12

hi, thanks for the request, i m sad i use a lot this key.

I saw the shortcut in the help when i press the question mark on the console mimic which the button jump to b

  • I also tried to use [Shift]&[/] for Jump To B, per the help files (Console Key - JUMP TO B) page. Thankfully, I found this thread relatively quickly when it didn't work.
    It would be very helpful to have some shortcut for Jump To B on Nomad.
  • I also tried to use [Shift]&[/] for Jump To B, per the help files (Console Key - JUMP TO B) page. Thankfully, I found this thread relatively quickly when it didn't work.
    It would be very helpful to have some shortcut for Jump To B on Nomad.
  • Depending on what you are doing with your masters you can map Jump to B to a master button that you can access from a keyboard. Obviously, if you are using a lot of masters and/or you are doing paging it becomes less than ideal.