Saved Screen Layouts & Screen configuration

Hi Sarah & All,

On the Cobalt saved Screen Layouts I've noticed that it doesn't remember the postion of the scroll bars on the Direct Select docks.

Can we get that stored as part of the screen layout?
The reason is that i'm trying to create layouts that use as much of the touch panel as possible. This means I've scrolled the panel to hide the 'Type' and 'Bank selections.
ideally it'd be great to have an option to change the viewing format of the Direct selects to hide the unused sections once I've set up the Direct Select docks.
This would include hiding the 12345 button selection, and the level selection.

Bug: Recalling the Screen layouts from the Screen spreadsheet view doesn't work. Recalling them from the browser does.

Can you also allow us to store into Screen setup 1? I get an error message when trying to save there. This means I actually only have 5 configurable setups recallable via the middle panel buttons.

Also for a future version can you please review the use of Tabs and their space on the display. Particularly with the use of touchscreens it'd be good to avoid wasted screen real estate.


  • Hi Ric - thanks very much for the feedback. I've added the scroll bar issue to our wish list. The Bug you mention may not be a bug, though, as I can find no information anywhere about being able to recall screens from within the Screens tab itself. Normally this is done from the Browser or the Direct Selects.

    I'll have a think about storing into layout #1 - the idea with that one is to always have a safe layout to return to. However, we do plan to loosen up the use of those 6 keys in the center of the console, which should get you the functionality you're looking for. This is planed for a near-future release.

    Thanks much!

  • Hi Ric - thanks very much for the feedback. I've added the scroll bar issue to our wish list. The Bug you mention may not be a bug, though, as I can find no information anywhere about being able to recall screens from within the Screens tab itself. Normally this is done from the Browser or the Direct Selects.

    I'll have a think about storing into layout #1 - the idea with that one is to always have a safe layout to return to. However, we do plan to loosen up the use of those 6 keys in the center of the console, which should get you the functionality you're looking for. This is planed for a near-future release.

    Thanks much!

  • Hi Sarah, As well as the scroll bar, would it be possible for the Screen(s) to remember if the DS Dock was full screen or a partial dock. I like the dock to be full screen for programming and busking, but for editing and or playing back a theater show, I like to have more tabs open and my FOH real estate limits how many monitors I can use. Thanks, John P.S. I apologize if I missed other discussions of this topic, but I couldn't find any.