Cobalt 7.1.0: Import Template Wizard popup too large for screen resolution


We just upgraded to Cobalt 7.1.0 on our Congo Sr console. I really like the new import template wizard,
however, the popup window is too large for our screen resolution (1024x768). Some of the contents to the
left disappears outside the screen and the right side continues to monitor 2. Due to space limitations
in our booth we cannot get larger monitors. Does it need to be that large?


  • Hi Patrik -

    The minimum resolution for the Cobalt software is 1280x1024. I'm afraid you're suffering a technology generation gap problem. Have you had a look at modern monitors? If I recall correctly, the 15" monitors you are probably using always seemed to have a large bezel/frame around them. Newer monitors have a lot more screen and a lot less frame around them, making a newer 17" monitor physically not much bigger than older displays. Perhaps there's a model available that would fit in your booth space? Over on this side of the pond we are very often limited in the amount of booth space that exists, so folks get creative about how they mount their monitors - on the walls, above the booth window and so on. One other thing to consider is that two widescreen monitors may actually give you more display space than three 15" older monitors, depending on the resolution. If you can't sort out a hardware solution for the displays, then you may need to either return to v6.4.1, which still supports the lower resolution, or do your template importing from a laptop/offline computer and bring the show file over on USB stick. There will be other dialogs that may be too "big" for the old monitors though, so it will be up to your comfort level as to whether you can continue to use Cobalt software on those monitors.

    I hope this helps - 


  • Coffee hadn't kicked in yet - another thing you can try is to change the resolution of your current monitors in the monitor settings of the console. If the monitors support 1280x1024 resolution you're in business.
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