congo jr encoder tap /push makes error

hi all,

when we touch/tap for speed rate on encoder the screens jump to different state

yesterday during show this happend and all screens went blank

any idee?


jakke from belgium

  • Hi Jakke -

    When you say "all screens went blank" what does this mean? Did the screens stay on with desktops showing, but all tabs and docks disappeared? Or did the screens go black as if they had lost signal?

    How old is your Congo jr? Do you use a Y-cable to connect your monitors or do they connect directly to the back of the console?

    Thanks much -


  • Hi Jakke -

    When you say "all screens went blank" what does this mean? Did the screens stay on with desktops showing, but all tabs and docks disappeared? Or did the screens go black as if they had lost signal?

    How old is your Congo jr? Do you use a Y-cable to connect your monitors or do they connect directly to the back of the console?

    Thanks much -


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