Upgrades to Windows 7 Now Available - More Information Here

Upgrades to Windows 7 Embedded are now available for eligible Eos, Congo, and Cobalt Family consoles. Upgrades are done as a repair – contact your ETC dealer or local ETC office for details. More information, including what consoles are eligible, can be found on our website here: http://www.etcconnect.com/Support/Articles/Windows-7-Upgrade-Eligibility.aspx


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi there -

    Nope, not for free. This update includes a Windows 7 license, a new motherboard, a new SSD disk and general care and feeding of your console, including the possibility of an extended warranty (depending on the age of the console in question). That said, it's not that expensive an update and if you don't foresee the possibility of a completely new console in the next few years, it's a good deal.

    Thanks -


  • Thanks! Will look in to that! A bit scared of the price. Here in Sweden most parts cost 4 times more from ETC dealer then in the computer shop. (I.ex. the old JR VGA split. Local store 80kr inc. VAT. ETC 400kr+VAT!!!) Tell your economics to do something about that! ;-)

  • Sarah,

    I just did this upgrade on two Congo Kid consoles.. I tried to get some details about the warranty rules from my dealer but they just gave me back the standard warranty statement on work completed.. Are there details anywhere on the extended warranty you mention in your note above (on this admittedly old thread :-) )


    Joseph Dickson
    Executive Director -- Over the Ledge Theatre Co
  • Here are the details - happy to clarify further if needed.

    The extended warranty is based off of the age of the console - a two (2) year warranty from the date of the upgrade, but not to exceed four (4) years from the original warranty start date. If the console is older than 4 years, you get the standard 120 day repairs warranty.