Runtime error by opening showfiles from before Cobalt

Hi, I have now The cobalt software running on my Congo Jr. and if i open some showfiles, made on Congo software 6.4, i get an Runtime error with following messages :" This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information."

Sooo.. here i'm with my question, What causes this Runtime error and how can i prevent this??

  • This will be due to some form of corruption of the showfiles.

    Please send ETC a copy for us to examine, and let us know if you need data from any of these files and we can see if they can be repaired enough to reopen.

    Some types of corruption can be due to hard disk issues.
    If you send us log files from the console we can check whether or not the hard disk is reporting any hardware issues.

    Please send these to cobalt (at) etcconnect [dot] com.

    Finally, I highly recommend using the "Verify Hard Disk (CHKDSK)" tool in System Settings to check your console's "CONGO" and "PLAYS" partitions/filesystems.
    This tool will also do any automatic repairs that may be possible. (Note that repairs may take some time and usually require a reboot.)

  • This will be due to some form of corruption of the showfiles.

    Please send ETC a copy for us to examine, and let us know if you need data from any of these files and we can see if they can be repaired enough to reopen.

    Some types of corruption can be due to hard disk issues.
    If you send us log files from the console we can check whether or not the hard disk is reporting any hardware issues.

    Please send these to cobalt (at) etcconnect [dot] com.

    Finally, I highly recommend using the "Verify Hard Disk (CHKDSK)" tool in System Settings to check your console's "CONGO" and "PLAYS" partitions/filesystems.
    This tool will also do any automatic repairs that may be possible. (Note that repairs may take some time and usually require a reboot.)

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