colbalt recording masters

how do you record a master page on the colbalt, (software v, this used to be a doddle on the congo thru all versions of software, but then there where two page buttons, upper and lower, still you'd think typing a number and then record page would still work
tried the master dock which it's easy to set up page one in, but no copy/cut and paste function in the editor so that don't work as a get around
of course you can insert, one by one in the editor but it's a bit laborious

anybody got a way of doing this



  • Hi there - I recommend using the setting "Auto-update Master Page" (in the application, SETUP, Masters Tab) which will automatically record any changes you make to any master page. Or is there a reason you need to keep this setting turned off? Thanks - Sarah
  • it's a matter of the route I'm used to I suppose, that's the way we always did it on the congo and since the cobalt was introduced to us as a like a massive upgrade to the congo, but way too much, to simply call it the next version of the congo, but none the less a follow on from that desk, from which my colleagues and I were expecting much of the lower half of the desk to work in a similar fashion, whilst the top half is blatantly new ground. we all have basic settings, for pretty much everything, that we start a show with and as a receiving house that's often a different show on a daily basis so we wouldn't want to change our basic setup, both within the desk and actual physical focus of conventional lamps. we can walk in and within a couple of hours be lighting a show, having had time only to focus a few specials, with the congo I could store pages easily to a page number and then allocate them to regulars to our venue, (whether it be what their LD wanted or what I used for a given show) so the ability to record/ recall masters by number was extremely useful and having to scroll through in batchs of ten is considerably slower. so auto update master page is not a route I wish to go down; in fact is it possible to disable the "time to record the show?" prompt that comes up as it appears to disable some functions, which I don't believe it did in the last versions of the congo software we spend a great deal of our time busking shows and rely heavily on knowing where stuff is in advance, both in terms of the rig, and on the desk. we could of course open a new play archive each time, but we are looking for ways to get going quicker all the time not to add things sorry if I've had a bit of a rant, but it's frustrating - I'm sure it's gonna be amazing once we get used to it and all these sorts of things could be resolved by doing the course, but the only spaces available on the course are in December and we're doing that wonderful british thing called panto thanks harry
  • There are indeed a small number of changes to shortcuts when moving to Cobalt hardware, just like a few functions were different between Congo and Congo jr/Congo Kid hardware.

    On Cobalt 10 and Cobalt 20 hardware the fastest "Change to Page #" shortcut is:

    # [PAGE] & [MASTER_KEY]

    You can use any Master Key on the row you want to change.

    You can also use the Master Page softkeys for the upper and lower bank, the same as on Congo jr and Congo Kid.

    These softkeys are found under "Masters":

    {Master 1-20} is the bottom row, {Master 21-40} is the upper row etc.

    And yes, (#) [Record] & {Masters x-y} still records that bank of Masters to Page #.

    Finally, "Time to save the show?" is simply a friendly reminder that you have made changes to your show but haven't saved for a long time.
    It has no effect whatsoever on any playback, recording or other actions, it's just like all the other confirmation messages.

    - Note that the timestamp by the filename (top-left) also turns red to remind you later if you were busy when the message was shown.

  • hi, thanks for that, not that familiar with the use of the softkeys, as didn't need them much on the congo, and it was the congo so have never used junior or the kid, and we had it ages, first sold in the country. Is there a way of doing it without, or could there be a way of doing it without soft keys as this would make for easier transition, full congo to cobalt? and I'm guessing this soft key logic will follow on in other areas? (where I used to use "hard" keys?) thanks again Harry
  • One more thing you could try if you have a keyboard attached: The old RECORD & MASTER PAGE command is still available from the keyboard by holding R (RECORD) and press M (MASTER PAGE). It works with a number before, just like on the Congo console.
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