show crash

last saturday, we're having a show with a 15minute break.
i operated the show on a congo jr with cobalt 7.1 software, the first part goes smoothly, when i came back after the show, and want to start for the second part by putting out the houselight (programmed as an independent) i noticed it doesn't worked.
when i looked further i discovered all my chase effects and dynamic effects have lost there parameters, everything was set to zero.

this was a very uncomfotable situation because the band was already on stage and i was still strugling to get the houselights off.

i think my consoles had a software crash during the break.

is there a solution for it so it doesn't happen a second time?

  • The 'new' (old now) Chase effects & dynamic effects that us effect playbacks have attributes much like a moving light.
    These attributes have no base state i.e. their defaults are always 0.

    The only way to have a default chase or effect is to have it stored into a preset.

    In my shows I 'pre-load' all my effect playbacks within my first 2 cues (0.4Curtain warmers/stage work light, & 0.9 Blackout). This gives me a set of known , configured effects to busk with during any show.

    To do this I have gone to my initial cue, 0.4, and brought each effect up one at a time, set all the attributes of the effect, i.e. group, rate, et.c taken the effect level to 0, then updated the cue. This saves the effect playback with the attributes ready to go.

  • The 'new' (old now) Chase effects & dynamic effects that us effect playbacks have attributes much like a moving light.
    These attributes have no base state i.e. their defaults are always 0.

    The only way to have a default chase or effect is to have it stored into a preset.

    In my shows I 'pre-load' all my effect playbacks within my first 2 cues (0.4Curtain warmers/stage work light, & 0.9 Blackout). This gives me a set of known , configured effects to busk with during any show.

    To do this I have gone to my initial cue, 0.4, and brought each effect up one at a time, set all the attributes of the effect, i.e. group, rate, et.c taken the effect level to 0, then updated the cue. This saves the effect playback with the attributes ready to go.

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